Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Corny beat poetry!

Mayan cocoa in my hand
I hear the wind in the trees
As they shower me with leaves
Zip zop as I walk
In my corduroy pants
Autumn is here
Winter is near
Before we know it
It'll be the end of the year


  1. Teehee. I love it :-) I miss autumnal moments.. darn Florida. I'm still wearing sundresses down here. - Nan

  2. This is fun, well done Martha!
    Zip zop and you don't stop...for some reason I can't get that out of my head. Mowo?

    Zip zop and you don't stop...walking
    In your corduroy pants
    Take a chance
    and dance…through the leaves.
    Watch the breeze…as it plays softy
    With the colors of fall
    Why care if any. one. sees.

    Needs work, but it's what I had on the spot.
