Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Funny little things...

I have been all kinds of productive today! Just call me OnTheBall Martha. I made business phone calls, updated my schedule, and... I forget. Lots of stuff. That's pretty big, because I'm feeling all antisocial again and that makes me not want to do responsible adult stuff.


Today on the bus, there was a slightly "off" vagrant... He reminded me of another slightly "off" vagrant that used to frequent the independent bookstore I worked at for a time in Seaside.
His name was Paul. He would come in and get hot coffee and try to sell us the watercolor paintings he made. He would sometimes talk to us, but more often he would talk to the voices in his head. One such time, he was muttering, "I just don't get it... I don't understand why... when you see a pretty woman... you can't just grab her. I don't get it..."
I decided to stay behind the counter until he left that day.


Today at Massage Envy I had a client that I hadn't seen since last year. I guess the front desk staff told her that I was leaving, so she was asking me about it.
When I told her that I was getting divorced, she started asking me a bunch of questions about that. Finally she started asking questions that didn't apply and I had to tell her that we weren't legally married, although this is still a divorce because we are married in every way BUT legally.
When I told her that, she let out a huge sigh of relief and said, "Oh, well I feel MUCH better." And the questions stopped.

Well I'm glad YOU feel better about MY problems. :P

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