Thursday, November 22, 2012


We interrupt your regularly scheduled Christmas season to bring you...


Thanksgiving has never been all that important to me. As for all the pilgrim stuff, I'm fairly sure that none of my ancestors came to America that early. Then when I learned that the Pilgrims and the Native Americans weren't happy neighbors that had annual dinner parties (thank you, Howard Zinn), I really lost my taste for the traditional Thanksgiving story.

Thanksgiving was never a big thing at home when I was a kid, especially after my sister became a vegetarian. What that caused, though, was a wonderful tradition: my mom would make bean and cheese enchiladas. They were delicious! I told someone once that enchiladas were my family tradition for this holiday and they asked me—completely seriously—if I was Hispanic. I had to work very hard to stifle my laughter.

These days, I just appreciate the guaranteed day off and excuse to eat good food. Today Sunrise and I slept in. Then we went to McMenamins for their thanksgiving buffet, as is our tradition. We took a walk around downtown and shuffled through leaves and took pictures. Then we went down to the Old Mill and took more pictures. Then we decided to catch the matinee of Cloud Atlas. It was very good, although it took a little getting used to. Pretty much throughout the whole movie I had my hand over my mouth in suspense. It definitely didn't give me the Holiday Warm Fuzzies, but after the movie we took pictures by the giant Christmas tree at the Old Mill and that was nice. I love Christmas trees. But right! This is Thanksgiving! So yes, food food food.

Now for hot chocolate with marshmallows before we have to return to normal life.

I hope all of you (... all of my probably 3 readers XP ) had a nice day, whether celebrating the holiday or not. Feel free to share in the comments what you do for traditions. :)

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