Saturday, December 8, 2012

Oh hell.

I have really fallen off the wagon lately... double oops. At this point, I'm not going to promise daily posts anymore. I will try, but I really have to get cracking on packing.


Today has been a day of indulgence. I think that's allowed, considering.

On a completely unrelated note (heh), how many things can I soak in liquor and/or light on fire before consuming?


We decorated the Christmas tree the other day... Yes, one of those days that I didn't write a post on here...

This is the first real Christmas tree we've ever had. Once we used a tiny fake tree my mom got for my doll when I was a kid. It was nice, but you know... just not the same. I love the smell of a Christmas tree. We were hoping to get a Balsam Fir, but apparently nobody in town had any, so we went with a Noble Fir. It's a little shorter than me, and admittedly I was a little disappointed about that at first. I have grown to love it though. I think I was just comparing it to Christmases past, when the tree towered over me when I was a kid. I do prefer trees bigger than I am, but I can get the same effect by sitting by the tree instead of standing. And it does look lovely with the lights and beads and ornaments.


The other day while cleaning up, I found a book that I don't even remember having. It is astonishingly fitting to this part of my journey though: How To See Yourself As You Really Are by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. "In How To See Yourself As You Really Are, [HHDL] shows readers how to recognize and dispel misguided notions of self and embrace the world from a more realistic—and loving—perspective. Step-by-step exercises help readers shatter their false assumptions and ideas and see the world as it actually exists." That is pretty much my main goal of life right now. I know this book will not fix everything for me, but hopefully it will make my journey faster and easier. I am so tired of my learned misconceptions of the world and myself causing me, and people I love, pain.

Wish me luck.

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