Monday, October 8, 2012

Holy garlic, Batman!!

So yeah, I'm still sick—sicker than I was yesterday, in fact. Furthermore, I am SO sick that I called in to work and cancelled my private appointments. It's a stay in bed drinking tea and watching 5 minutes of a movie at a time in-between naps kind of a day. At least, that's the plan. I couldn't sleep last night because I kept coughing and choking on my swollen friggin' throat. I'm hoping I can try to sleep propped up and that will miraculously work better.

Did you know that garlic is a naturally powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory agent? Well, I did. So I got the awesome idea to eat a whole clove of fresh, raw garlic. I'll be totally healthy by the end of the day, right?

This is how the thought process went:
"Hey hey, I'm gonna eat this here clove of garlic. I love garlic; it'll be tasty and cure me of my cold!"
Chew chew chew...
"Wow, that's... um... an interesting texture."
"Oh my GAWD it tastes like PAAAAIN"
Frantic chewing to get the bits small enough to definitely not choke on... aaaand swallow.
"Ok, that's done with. It's all going to be awesome from here, right?"
"It buuurns us, Precioussss!"
Drink some water.
"It'll be ok."
"I—I might throw up."
"No, I refuse to throw up."
Drink some more water.
"Ok, I can manage this."
"It's just a little warm now... wow, all the way from my throat to my belly. Hmm. Well, this'll be fun."

A little later, a friend told me you can just cut it up into little pieces and swallow it like pills. Oops.

Still, I'll be better tomorrow, right?

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